How to Brief Your Architect

“Where do I start if I don’t know what I want?” - More people than you realise

Do you feel like you've got lots of design info, ideas, advice, and even 'rules', but no idea where to actually start? Or have you started planning, but don't know if you're on the right track?

We can help with that. We've put together a little tool called "What’s my story?" - it's a very simple way to make sure your design reflects your personality.

*There’s no catch. No form to fill out with your personal details or newsletter to sign up for. Just a form in Word Format from us to you.

So, grab your copy and a mug or two of something tasty - or just a quiet moment to think, and answer these eight easy questions which just might make all of your home design simpler and easier from here on out. There are lots of ways to use it, but we suggest printing it out and scribbling on it. Good luck!

  1. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT REALITY? What problem or issue is your build trying to solve?

  2. WHAT WOULD BE YOUR DREAM OUTCOME? How could you see your life changing with this build?

  3. WHAT TRIGGERED THIS DECISION? What made you make the decision to do this now?

  4. ARE THERE ANY KEY TIME CONSTRAINTS? Would you like to be moved in by a certain date? Or moved out after a specific date?

  5. WHO ELSE IS INVOLVED OR IS HIGHLIGHTED IN THIS PROCESS? In-house family, Extended family, Friends, Trusted Advisors… How would you like them to be involved?


    • “We know exactly what we want and need your expertise to help us make it a reality.”

    • “We know a little of the style we like and we have a good understanding of the friction points we’d like to fix with this piece. We’ll need your advice on how to bring that all together.”

    • “We’re lost. We know we want to do something but have no idea where to start. Please help!”

  7. WHAT IS YOUR TOTAL BUDGET? This will help guide us in understanding the relationship between scope and budget.

  8. HOW WILL YOUR STORY INSPIRE THIS PIECE? Is there a history to the house, an inspiring artwork, or a passion or hobby that you’d love to highlight?

Have you ever tried cooking a recipe only to realise half way through that you’re missing a key ingredient? You have to go the shops half way through making it or making sub-par substitutions. It’s stressful and takes twice the time you thought it would.

A common mistake made when considering construction budgets is thinking that the Contract Amount with a builder will be the same as the Total Project Cost. 

This can lead to some serious buyer’s remorse if you don’t know what to expect upfront. Here is a quick example to show just how different those two figures can be. 

Do you know the difference between Construction Cost and Project Cost? Read on to learn more about this common pitfall new clients fall into.

Ready to get started? Have a question that’s not covered here? Let’s chat about your project in more detail, make a customised plan, and go through exactly what to expect next. You can request a meeting through the website, Facebook or call me on 0410 151 790.

I can't wait to meet you!

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T-shirt design by The Incumbent Agency

Audrey Whisker

Audrey is a Melbourne architect with over 10 years’ experience in the industry. Her experience working on a variety of projects including residential, multi-residential, education, workplace, and hospitality has led to a human centred design approach. Her interest is in how people interact with public and private spaces, and how those spaces in turn influence how we act. Audrey Whisker is a Certified Passive House Designer passionate about inclusivity and accessibility.

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